Role of Electronics in Machine Learning

Posted by: Dr. M. Subbulakshmi

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Role of Electronics in Machine Learning

AI is revolutionizing the ECE sector by giving ECE engineers new options and chances. AI can support ECE engineers in the design, development, optimization, and innovation of ECE systems and procedures that can resolve challenging issues, enhance people’s quality of life, and provide value for society.


Basics of Machine Learning

At first glance, machine learning could appear like an overly complex way to understand data, but it offers a way to automate system operations that might otherwise go unnoticed. Fundamentally, an algorithm is provided to machine learning, which describes the data it deems significant and how to extract it from the background noise. Sophisticated machine learning algorithms can be applied to a wide range of data types and quality control checks, such as visual component placement inspection on a PCB or equipment sound waveform monitoring to spot anomalies from typical operations.


Usage in ECE

A subfield of artificial intelligence called machine learning allows computers to learn from data and become more efficient without the need for explicit programming. Applications of machine learning in ECE include modulation, encryption, data compression, error correction, signal processing, and more.


Usage in Electronic Device Automation

It would be beneficial for the reader to comprehend why machine learning is such an intriguing topic before continuing. When tasks are performed inside a well-defined framework, automation can achieve a high degree of certainty and precision. Although this has been the case in jobs for ages, machine learning hasn’t been present at the design level until recently due to its increased sophistication. Combining processing power with a user-defined algorithm yields a powerful tool that may be used to transfer some of the effort and oversight to automation while retaining many advantages.


Any industry can be affected by system outages, which compromise productivity. This can range from a minor annoyance to the cessation of operations, depending on the specific equipment or procedure. The careless approach to maintenance involves responding to repairs as they arise; in other words, it’s letting carelessness rule the day and letting operators guess when unplanned downtime may happen. Preventive maintenance is another type of maintenance in which repairs are carried out according to a timetable that is probably going to happen before the minimal amount of time or cycles to failure, however, this is not always a given. Another option exists. Predictive maintenance measures when wear starts to cause a noticeable change in function by analysing data produced by the equipment.


The benefit of this is that it can obtain information straight from the machine, device, or component in question, negating the need for sensor data, albeit that can still be a part of the diagnostic process. As an illustration, consider fans that circulate air and provide cooling. In the absence of predictive maintenance, a mechanical failure could cause serious harm to whatever the fan is cooling. In addition to measuring the speed and direction of airflow with an anemometer or tachometer, predictive data may also examine more basic wear indicators like sound or vibrations. Monitoring these fundamental signs offers more insight into when maintenance is necessary.


Predictive maintenance also lessens the requirement for ongoing human supervision, which is a final advantage. electronics that can interpret data from their sensors and take proactive action, making sure that human intervention is only triggered when the algorithm deems it required. This gives the operator an indication of how urgent maintenance may need to be by quantifying how slowly or abnormally a device may be operating. In the end, expanding a business’s operational knowledge is the sole benefit of adding more informational resources.


ML for EDA has gained popularity in recent years, and numerous studies have been proposed that use ML to enhance EDA methods. These studies cover nearly every stage of the chip design flow, including logic synthesis, placement, routing, testing, verification, and design space reduction and exploration.


Application of ML in Electronics

  1. Wafer Defect Inspection. Wafer inspection involves inspecting each Layer of a semiconductor wafer for defects before applying the next layer.
  2. PCB Inspection.
  3. Consumer Electronics Final Inspection
  4. Surface Inspection.
  5. Solar Panel Inspection.


Look no further than Cadence’s integrated PCB design and analysis tools for your future machine-learning design needs. Allegro PCB Editor is a robust, user-friendly program that includes all the tools you need to optimize designs for the use of machine learning in electronics. For a wide range of industry applications, top electronics manufacturers rely on Cadence technologies to optimize power, space, and energy requirements.



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